Saturday, December 20, 2008

readying for spring this winter

this is the west side of my home. in these beds one can see broccoli planted as the smaller plant and below that is the ashwagandha the little pots there i have planted daisies, not sure what they look like yet!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


As i came out to click my portulaca blossoms guddi and mahavir- the husband/wife duo who work in my home were going out after the day's work. i clicked them too and how! just see their smiles- my flowers...all of god's creations. a smile is worth so much i think:)
this summer annual is flowering only in the baskets in my home this year and that too in just two colours ...but not bad. what do you think?

plants on the terrace

i am extending the scope of my garden to the terrace- partly becasue i would want to see greenery everywhere and partly because it would help in keeping the home cooler in the summer. of course this is just the start and in a few months i would have to put the green net on top. in this picture the lady waters the chrysanthemums.
in this picture you see two of the girls- ginger and raga watering the plants with sujatha- the new incumbent....watering the plants or err...r..r...supervising?!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

curry leaves

once upon a time, in my garden here a huge curry leaf plant grew. but when i left my house and went away the plant was 'consumed' by a parasitic creeper. when i returned this time i got this plant in a pot and om prakash put it in the soil. now finally i see it has taken root and you can see this as well.

Friday, August 8, 2008

an august view

grass is now green and everywhere i see the greens...the fence is looking greener, so is malati, tachoma and the ficus trees...and this view is just a trick in the garden. am loving the idea of using my imagination to shoot the house from various angles and positions.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

green net

this year i finally put this green net on a part of the driveway to save the plants from the harsh sun. on another side of the house too- near the front lawn i put this net, but it was not done so firmly with support of the bamboo.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

garden view

this is a view of the garden from the living room. naturally from behind the iron fortress. i just thought i would put it here for the sake of it...not that it looks any nicer from behind the rods of iron!

mowed grass

dogs love the smell of freshly mowed grass. each one of them has their own views about the matter and here i catch them one evening...

verdant august

this month, with intermittent rains, this is how one part of the garden is and curtain like. I am so relieved that finally the empty, bare grills of the house are going to be covered by a curtain of the greens. this view is of the north side of the house, what you see here is the living room windows and the enclosed area in the garden on the north side. in this space i was hoping to grow perennial plants and for now tis hibiscus, juniper, bougainvillea, basil, curry-leaves and ficus growing of at least two varieties. oh yes! one more creeper whose name is not known to me.

गार्डन creeper

यह टेकोमा की बेल है। जब मैं अक्टूबर में यहाँ आई थी तब पूरी लोहे की रेलिंग खाली थी। आजकल यह काफ़ी फैल गई है और देखिये कैसी दिख रही है। इस फोटो मैं रागा उसके sआमने खड़ी हुई है। इस पर संतरे रंग के फूल भी खिल रहे है, इन दिनों में।

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

mataji in the garden

we call our granny 'mataji' she usually doesnt come to the garden ever and certainly never puts her foot down on the grass coz one the dogs keep making little holes which can be troublesome and then the cushioning effect of the grass probably makes her feel a little insecure. i would not blame her at 87 for all those imaginary fears.

so here is mataji standing and looking at my garden and the flowers around in the entire house. now we have been in this house for a little over four months and gee...spring is not all that bad here. i counted a maximum of 15-16 varieties of flowers that are growing right now or in the recent past (coz roses are no longer blooming due to my shifting them from pots into the soil)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

poppy flowers

i was about to pluck this plant as a weed, when rajesh the gardener told me it was a poppy plant. so now when i see the flowers in spring, i realise what a mistake i could have made.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

praying for the safety of the new croton

in my house one has to not only look after the other needs of the plants but occasionally the safety too, as nikki is very fond of ripping things apart. i am sowing at least one of these crotons outside our main lobby door. along with it there is an intention to put in a climber of grapes. Amen!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

another color of my rose

now the rose beds are nearly ready, soon we will be transplanting our plants to their new soils. meanwhile here is another that grew in the pots...

Friday, January 4, 2008

two flowers readying for spring

the former is known as allysium and the latter calendulae as it opens out like a beautiful butterfly.